As women, we are so ingrained to do everything ourselves. We believe that we must be the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect daughter, the perfect friend, the perfect employee or the perfect business owner who can do it all. And on top of that we must be in a perfect shape, off course. Somewhere along the way, we forget about ourselves. We give it to everyone else and end up an emotional burn-outs instead of the woman we’re meant to be.
Especially us mums… When you just had a baby, the reality of your days may be far from what you have expected. It is unpredictable; often the day is not going to go by exactly how you planned it. You may want to lose that baby weight and start exercising, but you have no idea how to do that. When and where to train and what’s even more important how to find energy and TIME to do so…
I get it, I know how BUSY, TIRING and OVERWHELMING being a MUM is, especially when you’ve just had your first baby. I’m the one myself. It’s a giant roller coaster; one moment you’re feeling you’re on top of the world and the next moment you’re crying your eyes out feeling completely powerless! You look after your little baby but you have no time and energy to look after yourself…
Let me ask you:
- How many times have you been putting yourself last, looking after everyone around you but yourself?
- How many times you wanted to look after yourself and your body but never really had time to do so?
- How many times have you said: “I’ll start tomorrow” only to find out that tomorrow never comes?
You know what…they say, “you cannot pour from an empty cup”, so if you don’t look after yourself, sooner or later you won’t be able to serve the loved ones around you. There is a reason why all airlines ask you to put your oxygen mask first before you put one on your child.
Let me tell you this: If something is important to you, you will make time for it. And your health and well-being must be in your top 5 priorities. You need to make healthy eating habits and physical activity part of your life; it’s not either or, it’s not a hobby, it’s your responsibility Mama.
Active lifestyle doesn’t need to end when you have a baby. Eating healthy and exercising is not only important but crucial for your physical, mental and emotional sanity. When you look after yourself, you will not only look better, you will feel better, you will find your confidence back, and you will be ready to rock the world. You will be the best role model for your child and the strong foundation for your entire family.
Happy Mama = Happy Child
When is now, better time to finally do something for yourself?
You are worth living the life you want, you are worth having the body you want, you are worth being the best version of yourself and the best role model for the ones around you.
Make Yourself a Priority Mama to be:
* FIT mummy who loves her body and is able to fit in that favourite jeans
* HAPPY mummy who enjoys doing something for herself without feeling remorse
* CONFIDENT mummy, who knows how to combine healthy lifestyle with motherhood without turning your life upside down
* HEALTHY mummy who is a role model to you little one/ones and the entire family
No excuses Mama, YOU need to start living the life you want and deserve NOW instead of waiting for the “Perfect” moment.
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