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Welcome to 54th episode of Confidence Rockstar Podcast.
Are you currently on the market actively looking for a new job? Do you send tens of CV but your phone keeps quiet and your inbox empty? Have you been to some job interviews that you prefer to forget about?Or maybe the job interview went well but the job offer didn’t come – only an e-mail “Thank you for your interest, but this time we decided to hire someone else…”
You feel tired, frustrated, disappointed and worried about your future…
Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. In this episode I’ll walk you through the things that get in the way to land you your dream job.
It’s time for your success story!!!
For my Polish speaking community, I walk you through the whole recruitment process step by step in my Online Course: Job Interview Success Pack. Now available with amazing bonuses and my direct support in intimate facebook group.
Here are some of the highlights of this episode:
- why people have access to ton of information yet still don’t live happily ever after
- what stops people from getting what they want
- 5 things that get in way to land you your dream job: fear, shame, lack of confidence, limiteing beliefs, lack of tools, strategy and preparation
- how to overcome what’s in the way and land your dream job
Join the course Job Interview Success Pack (in Polish/English) here
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Links from the show:
ONLINE COURSE: JOB INTERVIEW SUCCESS PACK (for Polish speaking community)
FREEBIE: E-mail Course to Boost Your Confidence
Connect with the host Alex Grzybek:
FACEBOOK: Alex Grzybek
FACEBOOK GROUP (Job interviews – in Polish): Wyzwanie Job Interview
INSTAGRAM: alexgrzybekcoach
LINKEDIN: Alex Grzybek
WEBSITE: www.alexgrzybek.com
WEBSITE IN POLISH (Career, job interviews): www.wyzwaniepraca.pl