Confidence Rockstar Podcast
Confidence Rockstar Podcast
Episode #1: My Story. Welcome To Confidence Rockstar Podcast


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This first episode is very special for me.

Firstly this is a new challenge for me and I’m so excited to be launching this show.

Secondly I want you to know the person behind this podcast, so I’m sharing my story with you.

It wasn’t easy, it was emotional, I’m very honest with you in there.

Here are some of the highlights of this episode:

  • my story in a nutshell

  • where I started and how I got to the place I’m now

  • why confidence and what it means to me

  • how the idea about Confidence Rockstar podcast came about

  • what is my mission through this show

Have you subscribed to my podcast yet? I’m not, I would love you to do that. I’ll be sharing confidence golden nuggets and invite awesome guests for you, so you don’t want to miss an episode.

Click here to subscribe on itunes.

And if you enjoy the show, I would love you to leave me a review on iTunes. Reviews help people find my podcast. Just click “Listen on Apple Podcasts”, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and leave a comment what you think about this show. Thank you very much.

Click here to subscribe on itunes, write a review and get a chance to win 2 hour VIP Intensive.

And tell your friend about this Confidence Rockstar Podcast

Links from the show:

Confidence Rockstar Community – FB Group 

5 Day E-mail Course to Boost Your Confidence 

Let’s connect online:

FACEBOOK: Alex Grzybek

FACEBOOK GROUP: Confidence Rockstar

INSTAGRAM: alexgrzybekcoach



Here’s where you can listen to the show:



Google Podcasts

